SLBC Ministries (Opportunities to Serve)
Ministry of Congregational Care
This ministry strives to bring glory to God by providing care and nurture for the disciples of SLBC through counsel and visitation, and also through preaching, teaching, and the administration of the church ordinances. Deacons Ministry: The Deacons Ministry of SLBC exists to support and assist the Senior Pastor as a liaison to and with the congregation and to promote peace, harmony and unity among the church family. The Deacons serve the disciples of SLBC and support the total work and ministry of our church. Deaconess: The Deaconess of SLBC serve the congregation by assisting the Deacons in preparing for and participating in the celebration of church advances (baptism and communion). They also visit and serve communion to the sick and homebound SLBC disciples. Ministry of Worship, Music and Arts
This ministry area strives to bring glory to God and ministers to God’s people as they support and promote the vision of St. Luke. Membership and participation is available to all who sense a calling from God to serve and minister in the following areas: Youth and Teen Choir: This choir is comprised of children and youth of SLBC who are active in Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry and/or Sunday Bible Study. They sing every 3rd Sunday and rehearse the Thursday and Saturday before the 3rd Sunday. Men’s Choir: This choir is comprised of men of SLBC who unite to celebrate Christ in song and inspire those who worship with us in our Sunday worship services. They sing every 4th Sunday at both morning worship services and rehearse on the Tuesday and Thursday before the 4th Sunday. Voices of St. Luke: To ensure that there is unity among all the SLBC choirs. The Voices of St. Luke is comprised of persons who are a part of any choir. They usually sing during fellowship services with other churches and occasionally on scheduled Sunday. Young Adult Choir: This choir is comprised of young adults (male and female) who sing praises to God every 2nd Sunday. They rehearse the Tuesday and Thursday before the 2nd Sunday. The Drama Ministry: The SLBC Drama Ministry is comprised of SLBC disciples of all ages who produce, create, and participate in various original theatrical productions at various times throughout the year. Praise Dancers (Youth and Adults): The ministry of dance provides an opportunity for disciples of SLBC to worship God through the beauty of dance, as a spiritual offering to the Lord. The dance ministry is open to children, youth, and adults. Drill Team Ministry: This ministry exists to provide youth with a means of expression through step and drill presentations. Mime Ministry: The purpose of the Mime Ministry is to promote creative expression in worship through the art of mime. This group of young men and young women enrich our worship through their creative expression. The Acolytes: The Acolytes are young men of SLBC ages 5-13 who serve during our Holy Communion worship and other designated Holy Days. They light and extinguish the altar candles during worship. They exist to help our congregation attain a greater sense of reverence during these sacred worship services. Ministry of Helps and Services
This ministry area strives to bring glory to God by providing specific services to SLBC and its membership with the intent of broadening the scope of our ability to respond to the needs of our church constituency. Missionaries: This ministry works to engage in creative Christ like ways of sharing with SLBC disciples who are sick and shut-in. Also supports outreach efforts and provide for ways to support SLBC disciples during bereavement. Patricia Tyler Guild: Named in honor of our former First Lady Sis. Patricia Tyler, this ministry provides assistance and support to our congregation in whatever needed capacity. Floral Ministry: The Floral Ministry provides encouragement, strength, and support to SLBC disciples during times of sickness, bereavement, and other events. Nurses Unit: This ministry provides assistance to the Pastor and the entire congregation during regular worship services and other worship events. Church Newsletter - The Chronicle: The Chronicle is the SLBC newsletter and is published several times throughout the year. It is the vehicle by which news of our church and community is shared. Sight and Sound Ministry: This group of men and women ensure that our audio and video equipment are properly functioning during all worship events. They are also responsible for creating cassette, CD’s, DVD’s, and videotapes, etc. of worship services as well as the production of our television broadcast. The Follow-Up Ministry: This group is responsible for contacting persons who have visited with us in our Morning Worship Services after their initial visit with us. The Health and Wholeness Ministry: This group of dedicated health professionals, who are SLBC disciples provide blood pressure screening twice per month and lead our congregation into various initiatives targeted at improving health and quality of living. The Security Ministry: Men and Women of SLBC who are on site on Sunday Mornings and throughout the week to provide safety and security to those entering our church building. The Children’s Nursery: The Nursery Staff provides care and nurture for “Kings Kids” (infants to children age 5 in Founders Hall) during the 10:50am worship service. Social/Political Action Committee: This group registers eligible persons to vote once per month and keeps our congregation informed of information vital to our being as citizens in our local communities. Transportation Ministry: This ministry serves our congregation by transporting disciples to and from their homes to church and to other church sponsored outings. Deaf Ministry: This ministry is available to provide interpretation of our worship services to those who are deaf (if needed). SLEAT (St. Luke Educational Assistance Team): The St. Luke Educational Assistance Team, provides valuable information for children, youth and their parents about educational placement, scholarship and financial aid information. Legal Assistance Ministry: This ministry provides basic legal consultation to disciples answering questions, and giving understanding to very basic legal problems. Special workshops are also sponsored throughout the year around a variety of pertinent topics. SOZO HIV/AIDS Ministry: This ministry works on behalf of our congregation to lead us in being an advocate for the HIV/AIDS crisis in our land. They provide information through our bulletin and work towards leading us to be supportive of institutions that work with and on behalf of those living with this disease. The SLBC Bookstore: The bookstore is open on Sundays and throughout the week to provide our church family and guests with relevant Christian materials. The College Connection: This ministry maintains a connection between our congregation and SLBC disciples who are away in college through calls, correspondence, and other means. Technology Ministry: If you have a background or competence in Computer Graphics, Web Design, and Desktop Publishing help SLBC better serve this technological age via our website and other related areas. The Oratorical Club: This group provides and oversees events aimed at developing the public speaking skills of our children and youth. Ministry of Business Administration and Finance
Trustees: Richard Cook, Leader The Trustees of SLBC serve the Pastor and congregation by receiving, depositing and directing the funds received by SLBC for operational ministries; properly maintain the church building and other properties; and maintaining accurate records of all church enterprises and also membership contribution data as well. The Church Office Staff: The church office staff is a group of SLBC disciples who serve the Pastor and people of SLBC facilitating the daily affairs of our congregation. Discipleship Services: Those who serve in this ministry assist the church Business Manager in maintaining accurate records of SLBC disciples, financial contributions and other pertinent information relevant to our congregation. |
Ministry of Christian Education and Discipleship
This ministry area strives to bring glory to God and provide opportunities for members of SLBC to deepen their faith, and develop the lifestyle of a disciple by virtue of learning and applying God’s Word to their lives. The following Christian Education Ministries exist: Sunday Morning Bible Study: This Sunday Morning learning opportunity exists to provide Christian instruction for the entire SLBC family. Classes exist for toddlers through senior adults. A standard curriculum as well as “specialty classes” are provided throughout the normal calendar year in addition to New Discipleship Classes for persons who unite with the SLBC family. Wednesday Bible Study (12:00noon and 7:30pm): Pastor Clayton, Instructor Bible Study classes are offered for adults. Lessons are presented in a clear applicable manner to challenge students to understand and live according to God’s Word. Young Adult Bible Study: Rev. Aisha Taylor Issah, Instructor Bible Study is targeted for the young adults of our congregation to study the word of God in manner fitting to their age. Christian Education Institutes (Spring and Fall): A variety of classes offered for a week in the spring and fall to provide special learning and instruction in different areas and subjects beyond those being studied in other classes. New Discipleship Class: The first class that ALL persons who join MUST attend. These classes provide essential foundations about the church and our basic Christian beliefs. Marriage Enrichment Ministry: This ministry provides married couples of SLBC with opportunities to gather in fellowship, study, and other opportunities designed to strengthen their marriage and lift the model of marriage as God’s ideal. Women’s Ministry: This ministry allows the “Ladies of the Luke” to fellowship and grow together as they confront specific issues that relate to women from a biblical perspective. This ministry hosts our Women Only Worship (WOW) Services, Retreats/Conferences, Women’s Bible Study, and other events aimed at helping sisters grow through Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Outreach, and Service. Men’s Ministry: This ministry allows the men of St. Luke to fellowship and grow together as they confront specific issues that relate to men from a biblical perspective. This ministry hosts our All Male Worship Services, Retreats, Men’s Bible Study, and other events aimed at helping brothers grow through Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Outreach, and Service. Sisters Helping Each Other - "S.H.E." (Single Mothers Ministry): This ministry exists as a Christian support group for single mothers. The meetings are designed to encourage and challenge mothers to develop parental skills that will give Christian nurture and development to their children leading them to excellence in all things. Children’s Ministry - "J.A.M. City": "J.A.M.City" (Jesus and Me) welcomes children, ages 5-12, to participate in a ministry designed to cultivate and nurture an early knowledge of Jesus Christ. The ministry seeks to provide our children with opportunities for learning and growth. J.A.M. City meets every Friday (except the last Friday of the month) at 7:00pm (October-June) for a time of fun and fellowship; all while learning about God and His Word. It's the perfect place for every kid! Youth Ministry - “F.R.E.E. Fridays”: Rev. Aisha Taylor Issah, Leader Our Youth Ministry welcomes teens, ages 13-18. We are 100% committed to their spiritual, social, and personal development. We take seriously the mission of teaching and sharing the love of God with our teens during their most critical years. Our F.R.E.E. Fridays are held every Friday (except the 1st Friday of the month) and take a Christ-centered approach to discussing issues and topics relevant to today's urban teenagers. Our teens also participate in a variety of community, cultural, mission, and educational opportunities. We invite you to join us! Young Adult Ministry - "YAM”: Rev. Aisha Taylor Issah, Leader Our Young Adult Ministry is a vital component of our church. Our ministry is created to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship amongst young adults, ages 19-35. Through our weekly Bible Study and our monthly fellowship, we seek to leave a mark of Christ while enhancing our own personal, professional, and spiritual development through our connection with Him. You are welcome to join us! Singles Ministry: Ministry in Development Council of Ministries: Pastor Clayton, Leader The Council of Ministries is comprised of the leaders of all SLBC ministries who meet as called to plan the church calendar and for leadership development and instruction. Ministry of Hospitality and Fellowship
Adult Ushers: This group of men and women serve as sanctuary servants Sunday Worship Services and other special worship events. Youth/Young Adult Ushers: This group of children, youth, and young adults serve as sanctuary servants Sunday Worship Services and other special worship events. New Discipleship Fellowship: This ministry facilitates through the process by which new persons are received into the life of the congregation and prepared for active service and participation through New Discipleship Classes. Birthday Ministry: This ministry provides fellowship and unity among the disciples of SLBC by hosting a quarterly birthday celebration and acknowledging disciples birthdays with a birthday card. Hospitality Ministry: This ministry provides greeters who welcome SLBC disciples and guests to our Worship Services. Senior VIP’s: This ministry provides fellowship for the senior adults of our congregation. Monthly meetings are held to promote fellowship for our senior adults in addition to special speakers and informational discussions centered on issues affecting this important population of our congregation. Ministry of Evangelism, Outreach and Missions
Helping Hand Ministry: This ministry assists in determining worthwhile organizations eligible to receive monetary awards for organizational support locally, nationally and internationally. Education/Scholarship Committee: This ministry oversees and administers the distribution of SLBC scholarship awards to SLBC disciples. Public School #6 Partnership - Reading Assistance Program: This ministry is part of our Church’s partnership with adjacent School #6. SLBC disciples volunteer to read to lower grade students. The Benevolence Ministry: This ministry fields requests from SLBC disciples (and others) for financial assistance and aid in emergency situations. St. Luke Community Development Center: Organized in 1997 by our current pastor, the CDC is a 501C3 corporation that exists to provide renewal to the greater Paterson Community. SLBC ASAP (After School Assistance Program): This ministry operates in partnership with the Paterson Department of Recreation in providing a safe haven after school instructing homework tutorial assistance to local children. “CHRISTHOUSE” Food and Clothing Ministry: This ministry operates the Church sponsored Food and Clothing Center throughout the week to help those in need. “Reaching for Freedom” Substance Support Group: This ministry exists as a support group for those who have been or are being delivered and freed from addiction. Summer Youth Employment Program - "Youth Work”: This initiative enabled area teens to be employed in various work sites throughout Passaic, Bergen and Essex Counties. Employment partners provided eligible teens with gainful employment, valuable work experience; salaries were paid through a collaborative partnership (50% of salary paid by St. Luke CDC and 50% by the employee partner). Literacy Program: This ministry assists adults in developing proficient literate skills. Kamp Kreative Kidz (Summer Camp): The SLBC Summer Camp operates in partnership with the Department of Recreation of the City of Paterson to provide a safe, fun-filled summer camp experience to children ages 5-12. SLBC Freedom School: In collaboration with the St. Luke CDC the Freedom School is a six week educational enrichment program designed to promote literacy, social action, cultural awareness, and educational excellence. This initiative is operated under the auspices of the Children’s Defense Fund. |